

English Translation

Chinese Translation
(J-C/C-J; Mandarin, Taiwanese)

Korean Translation

European Languages


(Simplified & Traditional Chinese Characters, Korean, Arabic, Thai)

Corporate Profile



About Us

Gee Whiz, Inc. provides language translation services for English, Chinese, Korean, and the main European languages. In addition to offering translation of materials such as technical manuals, catalogs and corporate profiles, we offer editing and DTP services and can also assist you with your printing needs. We provide text outlining services for Chinese, Korean and multilingual data, enabling easy printing of these languages. Please do not hesitate to consult with us.


Freelance Translators

We are continually looking for freelance translators. If you would like to apply, please email us your resume or employment history as an attachment. We are particularly interested in translators who are native speakers of languages other than Japanese.

Freelance DTP Operators

We are continually looking for freelance DTP operators. If you would like to apply, please email us your resume or employment history as an attachment.

Full-time employees

At present, we are not recruiting full-time employees.

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